Jewish Intactivist: Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon

Article here. Excerpt:

'Raised an Orthodox Jew in Massachusetts and then Israel, Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon has emerged as one of the leading intellectuals of American Jewish Intactivism. A filmmaker, his movie “Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision” helped to introduce the subject of Intactivism to Jewish audiences in the United States. His movie received good reviews including within the Jewish press, and in the Jewish Intactivist community. His choice to keep his own son intact was the result of a serious Jewish and moral investigation of these issues.

His article, Outlawing Circumcision Good for the Jews?, appeared in the Jewish Daily Forward. Ungar-Sargon was chosen as Intact America’s Intactivist of the Month. He writes and blogs about these issues regularly. He is one of a group of Jews, including scholar Dr. Leonard Glick, and Dr. Mark Reiss who sit on the board of Intact America, an organization working to make circumcision against the law in the United States.'

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