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Joe Biden cries out in horror at brutal oppression of his granddaughters
Article here. Excerpt:
'"I will not rest until my granddaughters have every single right my son & my grandsons have." - Joe Biden
It is 2014. The chairman of the Federal Reserve — one of the most powerful people in the world — is a woman. So are the Chief Executive Officers of IBM, General Motors, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard, and Lockheed Martin. The president of Harvard University is a woman, as is the president of Intel. There are currently 3 women on the U.S. Supreme Court,20 in the U.S. Senate, and 79 in the U.S. House. The next President of the United States could well be a woman.
Despite all this, Vice President Joe Biden says his granddaughters have fewer rights than his sons and grandsons. Just look at the photo, above. There they are. Looking up longingly at … something.
Freedom. Equality. To Biden’s granddaughters and millions of other oppressed American women, those are just hollow phrases. Because, subjugation.
Sure, to the outsider it may look as though Biden’s jet-setting granddaughters are among the most privileged people on the planet. But that’s just a mirage, a farce. The cruel reality is far, far different. Truly, it’s a wonder these two subjugated girls can even stand up considering the heavy burden of the oppression they face day in and day out. No wonder the granddaughter on the right is leaning up against the railing behind her.'
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My new nickname for Biden is...
..."Pander-bot". Obama's good at it too, but Biden takes it to a whole new level. Possibly he's pandering extra hard b/c his own sites are set on the big chair in '16? Now that'd be the balls if the Hildebeast also threw her hat in. Watching the primary debates for the Dem nom'n would be watching who can pander the most and fastest to female voters. By the end of the debate, one or both would be promising to get laws through Congress (or by executive order) requiring men to wear GPS-enabled ankle bracelets that explode if you try to remove them, a nation-wide curfew for males over age 10, and what else, no voting rights, too?
I can't imagine a better way to insure a GOP White House in '16 than to have either the Pander-bot or the Hildebeast running on the Dem ticket.