Robin Williams’ $30M alimony to ex-wives contributed to his death

Article here. Excerpt:

'Did alimony kill Robin Williams?

At least in part it sure did. Paying out over $30 million to ex-wives who were allowed to attach themselves to Williams’ bank account like comatose patients on feeding tubes would be enough to make Gandhi angry and depressed.

While states are finally, gradually catching up to the modern age in terms of alimony (now they call it “maintenance” — as in “high maintenance”) the practice of men paying women because they once were married is not just primitive but, yes, sexist.

Yeah, go ahead, call me anti-feminist, call me whatever you want, but the truth is alimony (which is different from child support and fair distribution of assets acquired during the marriage) doesn’t mean the non-working spouse is entitled to live as high as the Kardashians. It’s that concept that is fundamentally anti-feminist.'

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is designed to eventually put men in the poor house.

50/50 and then she gets his 50% (and future income) in monthly installments.

child support is also designed along the same lines.

there are no upper limit$. based entirely on his income. except that, thanks to the brady amendment (yep, same gun grabbing guy) can never be lowered. divorce him while he earns high, he goes to jail when his earnings drop. no adjustment allowed.

that word fairness is another of those precepts lawyers/judges have abandones in their quest for allda$$.

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