SAVE: NY Times Flops in Attempt to Rig the Campus Sexual Assault Debate

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Tuesday the New York Times’ Room for Debate section featured editorials designed to address the question, “Doing Enough to Prevent Rape on Campus?”:

If we define “debate” as an intellectually honest attempt to represent all the major perspectives on the issue, the NYT Room for Debate fell short.

Of the six columnists, five represented the points of view of the Professional Victim Advocates who want to embellish on the current approach of campus disciplinary committees passing judgment on messy ‘he-said, she-said’ allegations of sexual assault.

The “opposing” view came from a lone editorial by Samantha Harris from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education who insisted, Law Enforcement Must Take the Lead:

On Wednesday, the bias was highlighted by KC Johnson, who deplored the “Times’ almost wholly one-sided coverage” of the campus sexual assault issue:

The NYT readers weren’t fooled, either.'

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