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Robin Williams in a group facing higher risk of suicide: Older white men with depression
Article here. Excerpt:
'If you tried to create a profile of someone at high risk of committing suicide, one likely example would look like this: A middle-aged or older white male toward the end of a successful career, who suffers from a serious medical problem as well as chronic depression and substance abuse, who recently completed treatment for either or both of those psychological conditions and who is going through a difficult period, personally or professionally.
In short, that person would look a lot like Robin Williams, the 63-year-old actor and comedian who, authorities said Tuesday, hanged himself with a belt in the bedroom of his San Francisco Bay area home a day earlier.
While certainly not the only group susceptible to suicide — 39,518 people took their own lives in 2011 — older white males with that cluster of characteristics have been on psychologists’ radar at least since federal statistics released last year showed an alarming spike in their suicide rate between 1999 and 2010. The suicide rate for white men increased by nearly 40 percent, to 34.2 per 100,000 people.'
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Robin Williams
The real story is not the suicide statistics. That is only a pointer to the real story, a symptom of the real story. The real story is that men are disposable, just seen as tools. Williams lost tens of millions to ex-wives, and had to significantly lower his standard of living in order to meet his continuing spousal support obligations. He was apparently estranged from his current wife - who didn't even notice that Williams was dead until told by William's assistant at after 11AM in the morning. This is speculation, but I bet Williams saw the writing on the wall with wife #3 - more burdensome support payments. At a certain point financial slavery is not worth it - death looks better. The real story is the terribly unfair and outrageously burdensome laws in America today surrounding divorce.
For a taste of the crazy laws, look up the Bradley Amendment, a federal law. No matter what happens to the provider (most often the man), he cannot reduce his child support payments. It doesn't matter if he is in jail, been kidnapped, or is sick, he still owes child support at the same level. I know it sounds unbelievable, it is.
one thing you won't see being discussed in the msm?
this angle of older men still paying outrageous alimony payments to people they haven't slept with in decades. I just saw where the californication guy david duchovny agreed to pay $40k a mo. in alimony, + c.s., and tea leoni is projected to make as much/more $$ than david this year. guys like this can usually afford it, at first; but, years/decades later they are posing for pix down at the police station for not being able to pay a woman he was dumb enough to marry decades earlier. happens to pro athletes a lot too.
then I turn the internet page and hear how women have overtaken men in earnings and advanced degrees. we hear how they are just like men, just as capable, just as smart (or smarter?) and yet have to keep perverting our laws (equality, fairness, truth, justice?) so they can keep getting a paycheck from a man?
yeah, MRA's appear to have been right all along. feminism never was about women being equal. what they were really talking about was getting equal payments from a man, forever.