"Yes, I blame the victim: on women's double standards"

Article here.

Back when our culture (mostly mothers) taught little boys to be respectful of little girls, in the hope that they would grow up to be respectful men, females existed relatively safely. Now that the culture is in the toilet and feminists and homosexual activists have targeted normal men for destruction, you take your chances.

From my perspective, if you are a woman who physically attacks a man (who is likely larger and stronger), you deserve what you get. If a man is self-restrained (because of Mom's teachings or some residual of an American culture that no longer exists), you might get away with a verbal comeback or even a walk-away. He may, however, knock the heck out of you.

If you are one of those women who have bought into the absurd feminist notion that women are no different from men, yet men must treat you differently when it comes to physical defense, then you are delusional.'

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"Back when our culture (mostly mothers) taught little boys to be respectful of little girls, in the hope that they would grow up to be respectful men, females existed relatively safely."
Really? What a load of crap.

"feminists and homosexual activists have targeted normal men for destruction"
Oh, come on...

"Any married woman could have told her what usually happens in a man's bedroom at two in the morning."
Is the author suggesting that rape is what usually happens in a man's bedroom at two in the morning?

"Anita Hill (the poster child for rabid feminism)"
Anita Hill is the "poster child for rabid feminism"? What absolute hyperbole.

"most men have a relationship with God that compels them to exercise restraint"
Having a "relationship with God" has never affected rates of violence, domestic or national.

I sincerely hope this is not the direction that this online community is heading.

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Sometimes I re-post such egregious crap so MANN readers know it's there and can go comment about it, etc. It can even come wrapped in what superficially appears sympathetic but what it really is is sexist stereotypes and reactionary appeals to sex role dictation warmed over. Not as bad as NOW-style feminism but it still seeks to constrict men and dictate our life-paths. Neither is a viable path for happiness for men.

One must know where his opponents are in order to engage them. Did feminists avoid colleges and universities because they considered them terrible institutions of oppression? No, they went to them, colonized them, and now have all but taken over them. The only way the MRM can exert influence and confront those looking to diminish, dehumanize, etc. men is to locate them, challenge them, and ultimately, defeat them. Failure is not an option, but to secure victory, the battle must be taken to the enemy, and to do so, we must know where they are.

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