Addressing college issue intelligently

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you believe statistics mouthed by your president, and if you still define rape as it has been traditionally defined -- sexual intercourse without consent, usually using force -- our universities have become some of the most dangerous places in the world.

The argument of the White House and a multitude of others, you see, is that the male students are raping an astonishing 20 percent of the female students. In an online article, Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, cannot help facetiously wondering how mothers can bear to "send their daughters off to a crime scene of such magnitude, unmatched even in the most brutal African tribal wars."

Well, the alarmists explain, it is an epidemic, and yes, it is: an epidemic of hyperbole, of redefining terms to mean something they have not previously meant, of ultra-casual "hook-up" sex, of rampant campus drunkenness and, when you inspect some of its supposed solutions, of a government out of control.
There's an alternative that's the opposite of dodging the issue, and that's to rely instead on expert police officers, well-trained prosecutors, experienced judges and just legal traditions. Imperfect, yes, but why not turn to the real thing instead of something foolishly fabricated?
Universities do have obligations here. As a way to get at issues law enforcement will not address, they need stricter campus rules like those that really did work once upon a time. It wouldn't hurt, either, to tell a hyperventilating government that campuses are not the most dangerous hangouts in America.'

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