SAVE E-lert: Sen. Rubio Says No Support for Falsely Accused

The Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA) was introduced last week by Sen. Claire McCaskill. See SAVE's Summary and Analysis.

CASA calls on colleges to "advise the victim of both the victim's rights and the institution's responsibilities regarding orders of protection, no contact orders, restraining orders, or similar lawful orders issued by the institution or a criminal, civil, or tribal court."

Ashe Schow of the Washington Examiner asked the bill's sponsors:

  • Will there be "support services" for the accused?
  • Will there be someone on campus providing them with information on what they can do to provide for their own defense?
  • Will they be informed of their rights, and will those rights be under the law (due process) or under campus rules?

Alex Conant, spokesman for co-sponsor Sen. Marco Rubio replied: "This bill does not address this issue."

Please contact Sen. Rubio and tell him that CASA needs to address this issue:

Thank you,

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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no 'equality before the law, truth or fairness, or justice involved? just blatant pandering based on gender? then they have the gall to call them institutions of higher learning. transforming the very words we use to meet their needs. that's old school commie stuff.

it looks like affirmative action has dumbed down the law schools to a point of nonexistence. just when you think they couldn't get any dum... surely somewhere, somehow lawyers/judges have heard of these concepts? they probably don't exist in commie/socialist law.

'splains a lot.

sad to see the great principles this country was founded upon stomped and trampled on by what appears to pass for lawmakers these days.

new precept of u.s. law: make men easy targets for women and their lies.

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