The Many Fabricated Enemies of Feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hey, whatever works. At one point, it was considered reasonable that we take criminal allegations with a grain of salt, at least until definitive evidence could corroborate the competing claims one way or the other; it’s just a minor principle that, uh, forms the backbone of our judicial framework, no big deal. If you advocate for such a reasonable position in either the civil or juridical spheres these days, be prepared to have a boiling horde of feminists attempt to “shut you down.”
And yet it’s not only a reactive intransigence that defines modern feminism: the movement also takes a proactive approach at insulating itself from any ideologies that may taint the minds of its followers. A while back, Katherine Timpf of Campus Reform showed up at the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference to do some reporting. The response from the assembled feminists was not simply to “shut her down,” but rather to pretend she didn’t exist in the first place. Timpf was part of “a group that’s conservative,” according to one attendant, which meant she was a bad person, of course. “You guys aren’t wanted here,” someone else told Timpf. “You should know,” a person told one of Timpf’s interviewees, “if you’re doing this interview, that they’re a conservative organization.” Another organizer openly “warned” an attendee of Timpf’s dreaded political leanings. After all, why not? It could be disastrous if the burgeoning feminist generation were exposed to, you know, alternative viewpoints.'

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