Faculty reactions to rape hysteria

I suggest posting this not so much for the article, but for the comments that follow the article. The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of the more respected journals on the state of affairs in academia. Even female faculty are getting disgusted by this hysteria and its impact on both men and women. Excerpt:

'More than 40 percent of colleges have not conducted a single sexual-assault investigation in the past five years, according to the results of a national survey released on Wednesday by Sen. Claire McCaskill. The on-the-ground details of campus sexual assault and the capacity of officials there to respond to it should serve as a "wake-up call" for colleges, said Ms. McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat who recently held three roundtable discussions on the issue.

The survey results come as colleges are confronting their legal responsibilities to investigate and resolve reports of sexual violence, under pressure from activists and the White House. The Education Department is now investigating more than 60 colleges for possible mishandling of alleged sexual misconduct. Campus sexual assault was also the subject of a recent Senate hearing and proposed regulations.'

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"More than 40 percent of colleges have not conducted a single sexual-assault investigation in the past five years"

That's meaningless unless we know how many sexual assaults were reported at these colleges. If none were reported, then none were investigated.

But, then, if none were reported, perhaps it's because none took place. There was nothing to report.

But that would mean there's not a problem to solve and no need for further government interference.

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when all the hysteria seized the u.s. and Briton about day care centers being the centers of child rape and such? it would have been funny, if not so sad. I was young but I remember people (men and women) were found guilty of all sorts of heinous behavior. if memory serves, the testimony of many of the children included magic, monsters and other assorted imaginative (and impossible) tales from the dark side. it was obvious to some of us that if was mostly foolishness. most, if not all the children had obviously been coached or led into all sorts of crazy stories of rape and molestation at the hands of adults running some of these type facilities. I believe the courts also assisted in the dispensing of any wealth or funds these poor people might have accumulated in life.

odd how (like today) they never saw to the return of these people's lives once the initial craziness subsided. wonder if the feminists started that hysterical feeding frenzy as well?

btw, wasn't that about the same time frame as when today's procedures for questioning minors about touchy subjects were 'fine tuned', for lack of a better phrase?

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