Post-recession jobs numbers are better for women than for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The nation has snapped back to its pre-recession self in terms of total employment, according to job numbers released last week.

Now there’s about 138,780,000 jobs filled in the country, the number the United States had when the recession began back in December 2007.

But a curious thing has happened: Men now fill fewer positions than they did before the recession.

To put it another way, although men still occupy more jobs than women overall, today women make up a larger portion of the workforce than they did before the economic downturn. At the start of the recession men held 3.2 million more jobs than women, but that gap has narrowed with men holding 1.6 million more jobs than women.
The jobs traditionally occupied by women simply weren’t hurt as much by the economy as the jobs typically occupied by men, according to Hartmann.

“One of the sectors that’s very strong for women is health care — for women it was part of the reason why their unemployment never fell as much as men, there was always something going on good for them. Health care and private education,” she said.'

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