'Toxic Femininity'

Came across this piece in my travels and thought it could use some attention. I like how the author takes the time to identify the phenomenon of "toxic femininity" in its many forms. After all, if feminists have been so good at the ways masculinity can be toxic (and in fact I agree; for some men, their idea of 'masculinity' is toxic to them and others), then why isn't anyone doing the same for women? Can there be no toxicity in women's pursuit of or general ideations around femininity? Heck, yeah! Excerpt:

'Toxic femininity is not a personal trait of individuals. It is an aspect of a gender role, and since gender roles are a matrix of customs, expectations and policing, they are social rather than individual. That is what it means to say gender is constructed, if always on a pretty fixed base of biological sex for the huge majority of us, and this is where the construction takes place. (Gender identities are different; they inhere in individuals.)

I have drawn up a preliminary list of types and aspects of toxic femininity. They come from things I have picked up in the femmisphere in posts and comments, from things I have seen in the men’s side of the gendersphere and some come from personal experience. I wanted to list and name them so that people can use this in their own discussions and would have something to refer back to. The list is preliminary and suggestions on additions are gratefully accepted.
Damseling is the female end of White Knighting – one cannot exist without the other. It is a celebration of helplessness and dependence on someone else’s protection. This is really nothing other than a feudal relationship. Depending on someone else for protection is a form of vassalage.

Examples include -

Victim Cred – For the most part we have a moral structure that stigmatizes victimizers and tries to validate victims. It doesn’t always play out that way in practice, but even in practice if a victim brings a complaint against the person who victimized him – oops, there’s counter-example right there – but anyway, for the most part the reaction from the rest of us will not be to stigmatize the crime victim as a loser, but rather the perpetrator. This feature of our moral code works against the operation of the law of the jungle, and it makes our type of society possible. So far so good. But of course it has a down side. It grants victims a moral claim, a form of moral superiority over those they identify as having wronged them, and this can incentivize victimology, the weaponization of victimhood.
Gynonormativity is not in of itself a bad thing. There are situations where what is generally considered a female way of doing something is the appropriate way, regardless of who is doing it. Teaching young children – primary grades surely, but even the older elementary grades sometimes – is one obvious example. Some kinds of anthropological fieldwork obviously call for gynonormative approaches. In other areas it’s neutral. In some it’s not suitable.

These are examples of bad gynonormativity:

The Golden Uterus: GU is a distortion of the motherhood role into a tool for subjugating others to the mother’s will. It can even be used as a form of power to use in a rape. James Landrith recounts how his (pregnant!) rapist used her unborn child as a human shield against him to keep him from defending himself.

The Moral Guardian – The Moral Guardian is now almost exclusively a female role, (Although until recently you saw men doing it to. It still exists in communities on the Religious Right.)
Female Approval: “Man up!” “Get a pair!”The Real Man discourse and the whole concept of what makes a man a good man usually come down to one thing: How useful is he to women. That’s the measure of how good and masculine a man is.The measure of what made a woman a good women used to be the mirror image of this. Thank God feminism eroded that away to nothing. Now it’s time to do the same with this.
The Flag-Waving Civilian Hyper-Patriot: Never served a day in her life, but she is ready to hound any man in sight to “man up” and go lay down his life for her. This chicken hawk is a real moral guardian of patriotic values. See also White Feather Society.

- “Boys will Be Boys” – Listen around and you will see how general the meme is that men are eternal boys and that women are long-suffering adults picking up after them. It comes out in teachers saying that girls mature faster than boys – by the gender-biased standards of teachers. It comes out in 20-something women presuming to lecture men their age on manners and mature behavior. It comes out in TV commercials and programming showing men as helpless, clumsy and incapable, but always with some superior woman coming to the rescue, or more often just looking on clucking her tongue.'

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Vis-à-vis men, I'd say that the Cinderella Complex/Rescue Me/I-Need-A-Man-To-Support-Me-To-Feel-Valuable thing is the most toxic aspect of modern femininity, especially as its elimination was supposed to be the primary liberating vehicle for both sexes. Has that happened? No. Result: Too many women still expect to be paid for and too many men are paying for them. But now, children grow up more often as not without their dads, leading to many problems society has today. Lose-lose.

What's worse, I see so many women live in a state of utter denial about it. They are getting subsidized by their husbands, bfs, fathers, etc., but go around saying they're independent people, etc. The levels of self-delusion people can take themselves to is really amazing, but as I have often said, cognitive dissonance is the most powerful force in the human psyche, next to the closely-related drives to survive and mate (or at least engage in activities associated therewith), and is an equal-opportunity employer, respecting neither age, sex, creed, race, intelligence quotient, or taste in ice cream flavors. :)

Nothing moves people faster to rationalizations in favor of their own benefit than cognitive dissonance. Thus one can go around proclaiming personal independence and empowerment while at the same time nursing a $100/day heroin habit or getting regular "allowances" from mumsie and/or dada, even at the age of 25. As for women generally, the Cinderella/Princess thing makes it so easy for them to rationalize their on-going dependence on fathers, husbands, bfs, the gov't, etc., they actually start to believe they are *entitled* to such support even if they are perfectly capable of financing themselves in all critical ways (especially for the newer entrants to the economy, many of whose female members are out-earning their male peers, sometimes quite substantially). While men's sense of entitlement around being the beneficiaries in some way of women fulfilling "traditional" gender roles has not only been soundly challenged but had the living hell beat out of it, no such process has happened re women. It's due, for everyone's good, as without it, women as a group will not really achieve real independence/self-sufficiency, and thus remain dependent on men as a class indefinitely. Thus the primary goal of feminism as stated so many years ago will never be achieved. But aside from that, the sexes will remain unhealthfully intertwined co-dependently rather than more maturely interactive, free of a social paradigm that fosters mass co-dependency and contributes to men's sense of being taken advantage of/used and women's sense of being cheapened/dependent/commodified.

After all these years of feminism, I am still hard-pressed to find a general population of women, short of women who aren't interested in relationships with men for whatever reasons (sexual orientation, etc.) who are not in some way looking for men to subsidize them financially, in addition to being their "Prince". Just as men who are always trying to please/subsidize women will, as a consequence of their own decision *not* to cease and desist, be stuck in the Prince Charming/Patsy role, likewise women who keep wanting to "feel appreciated" by men via gifts, paid-for dates, chivalrous treatment, other financial subsidization, or patronage in other ways, will remain dependent, feel vulnerable, act relationally passive, and function in "reaction mode". In short, life pass such women by and they blame other people (i.e., men) for why they are not happy rather than figure out how to create their own happier lifestyle. Sad, really. But the phenomenon has to be identified and described before it can be addressed. I think the linked article does a really good job of it.

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Matt, it sounds like you are measuring a person's self-sufficiently level and not their financial independency level. For example many people buy their meat in the grocery store, and some people go out and hunt their own meat. You could say one meat consumer is more self sufficient then the other, but the situation says nothing about their financial independency level. Housewives receive financial compensation for fulfilling an obligation to their husbands, children and family. Everyone knows what's going on, I don't see any cognitive dissonance. I get that you don't value stay at home parents, but it's just like I don't value the Kardashians, but I would never suggest the Kardashians are not financially independent. I will also point out that the most intelligent and successful men prefer stay at home wives compared to having their children in daycare, and of course there are biological reasons for why it is more often the mother who stays home compared to the father which you never seem to acknowledge.

Under natural conditions women will always be more dependent on men. It is how nature works. If both genders could get pregnant, and both genders planned their careers with that risk in mind, and both genders had equal sex drives and both had equal physical and cognitive abilities, ONLY THEN could we have equality in the way you seem to want it. You and I have gone round and round on this subject before. I will just keep wishing you luck as you are on a never ending quest, my friend.

...Men have production value, women have reproduction value. It's the same ol, same ol. It's never gonna change....

The way I see male disposability is set up by nature. Nature made women more sacrificial to their offspring, and men more sacrificial to society. Pregnancy puts stress on vital organs. Any women will tell you that her body will never be the same after pregnancy and the stress on her organs can have a late effect on her life span. (During pregnancy blood volume increases 50%,all organs enlarge and work up to 50% harder, with all focus being on vital organs bone density decreases). I would never label a man selfish for having sex or expecting a planned child with his wife, just because there are more health risks to her. I just chalk it up to how nature works. Same with men taking on a more defensive role in any threat of danger. There is a better chance of success and survival of the species when men take on this role compared to women.

Science has made many advances towards inhibiting the female health risks from sex, pregnancy and birth, which is a good thing. It would also be good if science and innovation could make some advances on male disposability and lower the risks. But I still consider these roles based on nature and overall best for society and our species. Demanding that women fulfill an equal amount of dangerous roles only puts everyone more at risk.

Why is it that in any life or death, survival or rescue situation we fall back on traditional gender roles? because they are the most efficient and give us the best survival rate due to the BIOLOGICAL differences in men and women.

The article attributes gender roles to social construct. I am more scientifically minded and attribute gender roles to biology. We see gender roles in the animal world. I doubt anyone is going to change this by suggesting we just need to re-train the animals.

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In a modern economy, money is the means by which nearly anything gets done or acquired short of appeals to or leveraging one's personal relationships.  Those relationships act as a medium of exchange, but eventually the translation leads to money.  In your example of a homemaker getting supported in exchange for minding the home and kids, the distance from money is very short.  In fact, Mrs. probably manages much of what her husband makes, at least in this traditional model you're discussing.  But even if not, she's going to be spending quite a bit via credit cards or money Mr. gives her, and he pays the CC bill every month.  Either way, all that's happening is a one-off barter role she is in.  Only way to get away from close proximity to money in exchange for pretty much anything these days is to take up life in a forest.

This leads to your suggestion that I have conflated personal dependency with access to money.  I.e., one is not dependent on another, or others in general, even if they count on another person or the mercies of others generally to provide them with things that those others could not readily obtain without money.  I may be inclined to agree if indeed humans here in the western world lived much closer to the land generally and didn't have much need for money as a consistent and universal exchange medium.  But, we do.  If it weren't true that money was as important as it is, and indeed a key factor in enabling our relative independence should we have a lot of it, would hypergamy exist?  Or divorce court scenes pivoting around just how much the soon-to-be Mrs. X was going to get in the break-up, even if she's quite capable of earning her own living?  Or people in general (crooked pols, dishonest bankers, etc.) doing grossly immoral or criminal things to get lots of it?  Even removing modernity as a factor, in societies where people live largely the same lifestyle due to a lack of technology or an absence of values that tend to lionize wealth, the thing female members then tend to consider is potential mates' status in the tribe.  Though he own little, the unmarried chief's son, despite looking less like Don Johnson in his youth and more like Rowan Atkinson any time (sorry, Rowan...), would still be a popular date among the single ladies of the tribe.

But here in a modern economy, it's money.  And women in general still have yet to truly decouple their feminine self-images from the Cinderella/White Knight fairy tale thing, said knight riding in on a horse made of $100 bills.  You may insist it's normative and indeed, I agree. But  "normative" just means it's typical, not necessarily desirable.  And perhaps if husbands could be assured that homemaker wives would uphold their end of the bargain, then perhaps I'd be more inclined to say it's fine, provided all parties go in eyes wide open.  But since all too often homemaker wives split the nest after a number of years/kids and walk off with their ex's money, perhaps saying to others how "liberating" such a thing is, and it's great to now be "independent", all while collecting spousal support and child support money, then getting a new bf who's also expected to pay for their dates, spend money on her (not their) kids, etc... let's just say, I have a hard time seeing quite what you mean when you suggest the current state's a good thing.  Well, good for women, maybe, but not men.

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