Boys Will Be Boys: America's Campus Rape Policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'An even more troubling manifestation of rape culture is the current backlash against the anti-rape movement that has led a handful of male students to sue universities with the claim that they were falsely accused of sexual assault. Are false accusations wrong? Yes, of course. However, in these cases these men were found guilty of the act after full investigative proceedings; and of course the in these "frivolous" lawsuits the men attempt to make the claim that the sexual encounter was consensual. They make this claim while displaying their true lack of understanding of what compromises consensual sex, which includes not knowing that an intoxicated "yes" or an intoxicated failure to "say no" is NOT consensual sex. All this, while according to the FBI, only 8% of rape reports are considered to be unfounded.
In order to ensure that criminal charges are brought against those who commit acts of sexual violence, the power of the colleges' internal judiciary boards and administrators will have to be reduced. The current bureaucratic structures that allow schools to investigate claims of on-campus rape, without informing law enforcement that an actual crime has occurred, in the same manner that they will handle a violation of school policies, such as truancy, will have to be dismantled or reformed. Still, the Federal and local government will have to begin reforming the process of how rape in-take victims are treated by law enforcement. Not only are there issues with patriarchy (especially victim blaming/shaming), but then one has to consider how these institutions have historically mistreated and alienated certain groups in society, particularly women of color, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ community. This historic precedent makesit difficult for these students to approach law enforcement. Law enforcement should be tasked with finding solutions to overcome this barrier, as well as finding ways to expedite investigation of rape claims, which do not leave students vulnerable to attack and retaliation, or even more of an interruption to their academic life.
Focusing on prosecution is not enough, because it is only reactionary*. The goal should simply be - rape prevention. Again, we must be willing to call-out (not write multiple page of reports devoid of this critical terminology) and address the patriarchal rape culture that encourages sexual violence, and acts as an aid to rapists/would-be-rapists, by making their actions protected and tolerated. It is rape culture that helps to find excuses for their behavior, where Boys Will Be Boys, and girls should dress and act accordingly, if they do not want to be raped. Rape culture with its victim blaming and excuses for men's violence (and its glorification), seen in war, sports, action movies, along with its objectification of female bodies, makes it difficult to prosecute rapists. Often, it is the victim who is first put on trial.'

* Ugh, sorry to be so word-cop-y, but I see reactionary misused all the time like this, and not only among such authors as this feminist. I can deal with "begs the question" having morphed into something it was never intended to mean since it's more a phrase than a word and I can see how people would see its new meaning making sense, but "reactionary" has little to do semantically with reactive, which is what this author means, and has a well-defined meaning that IMHO ought to stay that way since there are few other words that can quite take its place; some come close, but as a general-use term for the phenomenon it describes, there are none better. Yours truly, The Church Lady =)

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any good cop knows that is a lie. the f.b.i. is getting to where it lies almost as much as its boss. probably replaced good men in power w/ halfwits and weirdo's like in the rest of government.

with practically no punishment for making false claims, and long before reason returns to honest men, one might reasonably expect the real rate to reach 8%, in the other direction (8% true). false accusations don't really cost women and girls anything. you can't even put their names out there to be punished by society as innocent men are from the first false accusation.

guess expecting equal treatment is just waaaay too much like a war on women for dear president's sensibilities.

sometimes its like I have just awoke in that movie where the world is populated by ... people like these. I have an idea, let's find the worst liar among us and make him leader of the world. what could go wrong?

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