War on Watters: Alpha-females have cops remove Jesse from NOW conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'It started when the mild-mannered journalist tried to get press credentials months in advance to cover the event and was repeatedly ignored.

As any good reporter would, he showed up at the Hyatt anyway and asked the attendees about the so-called “war on women” they are fighting diligently against.

When word got around that Watters [link added] was asking questions like,”have you ever been hurt by the war on women?” or, “have you ever burned your bra?,” the alpha-females of the group took charge and called the police. He was promptly removed, but not before being called a “sexist,” of course.

After some fun chatter with the friendly officers who escorted him out, Watters was informed by a stern police woman that the Hyatt hotel demanded he not return and said he would be arrested if he did.

“I feel very discriminated against,” he said.'

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... hardly cause for the kind of reaction he got. If the venue management didn't want him there for whatever reason (provided it isn't one prohibited under law), they had the right to tell him to leave. This is different though from the matter of *were* they right to tell him to leave.

I just wonder if the tables were turned that the same would have happened. For example, I am sure a number of the reporters covering the recent IMRC were not sympathetic in one or more ways to the MRM, yet no one phoned the police to have them booted.

Funny how the MSM is trying to make MRAs out to be any number of awful things, like neo-Nazis, hostile loose canon types, whiny crybabies, etc., when in fact one need only examine the behavior of MRAs and feminists and compare and contrast: Who throws dissenters out of their organizations and social circles, MRAs, or feminists? Who insists on across-the-board ideological compliance from anyone with a stripe above the rank of private? Who is known for throwing things at counter-protesters, attacking people they think are "siding" with the "wrong people" in their effort (and by "attacking", I mean physically, such as with the protest wherein police were actually attacked by college feminists angry that Warren Farrell would be speaking on their campus)? Who complains incessantly about anything that they don't like and attributes their unpleasant feelings to some nebulous idea that they insist permeates virtually all aspects of society, and thus, they cannot be held responsible for their feelings, much less actions? Answer: feminists, all counts. Re that last, I am of course referring to "patriarchy". It's one thing to say there is a pattern of sex role-based expectations that lead to unfair expectations and injustices, but quite another to say that any experience one has that is distasteful in life, whether involving the opposite sex or not, or one that just strikes you as being an example of a bad thing, is attributable to that one nebulous phenomenon. Feminists have a been blaming "patriarchy" for decades for everything from the bad weather to not enough toner in the copier (OK, being facetious there). But you get the idea.

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