California ‘Affirmative Consent’ Sex Bill Imposes Low Legal Standard For Guilt
Article here. Excerpt:
'The alleged “rape culture” in America, and especially sexual assault on American college campuses, has stubbornly remained a hot topic in politics and the media this year.
The latest example is SB-967, sponsored by California Democratic state Sens. Kevin De Leon and Hannah-Beth Jackson and Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal. It would require “affirmative consent” – explicitly verbal or written – for sex involving a college student in California.
The bill, which passed the Senate 27-9 in May and the Assembly Higher Education Committee 11-1 on Tuesday, would require California colleges receiving state funds for student financial aid to “adopt consistent victim-centered sexual assault policies and protocols.”
Critics have said the bill could make any sexual activity a potential assault by definition, and that it wouldn’t stop assaulters from lying about getting consent from their sexual partners.
The bill follows federal investigations of 55 schools accused of unsatisfactorily addressing sexual assaults involving students. The Obama administration has proposed stricter guidelines under the Clery Act, which requires federally funded universities to report each year on all crimes, including sexual assault, connected with the schools.'
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Did they cast?
Did the legislators cast an "affirmative vote" or just a regular vote?
If the latter, the bill might be overturned by the courts.
One more thought
I've heard it said that if a man and woman have sex and the woman is drunk, it's rape because a drunk woman can't consent. Now if they're both drunk, and neither used force, then both should be charged with rape. But feminists, at least, usually say a man can consent to sex if he's drunk.
But what if two drunk women have sex?