Girl stabs mother to death and makes a false rape claim as well

A horrible story about a girl who stabbed her mother to death and even made a false rape claim. Excerpt:

'ARAPAHOE COUNTY, Colo. - After finding probable cause that a 19-year woman, who stabbed her mother 151 times, committed first-degree murder, an Arapahoe County judge on Thursday accepted the teenager's plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.

As a result, Isabella Guzman will not go to prison, but instead will be sent to the State Hospital in Pueblo for treatment.

When asked why prosecutors asked the judge to accept the plea, 18th Judicial District Attorney George Brauchler said, "Look, the job of the district attorney is to pursue justice. And at first blush, when you look at this case, you see a horrific and violent murder by a daughter towards her mother. I've never seen a person with that many stab wounds. She stabbed her over 150 times. So you want that person to be held accountable."
After the killing, police say Guzman fled the home. She went to a woman's restroom at a nearby H Mart, washed her hair in the sink and changed her clothes. They say she told employees that she had been raped in Denver and asked them not to call police, because they would send her back home and she was in fear of her father.

When police tracked Guzman down the next day, she told them they had the wrong person. She said she was Samantha Gonzales from Cincinnati, Ohio. Police held up her ID card, but the teen said, "It looks like me, but it's not."'

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Reading the story, it sounds to me like she knew exactly what she was doing all the way up to the false rape claim. Doesn't sound to me like she was hallucinating and talking to people who weren't there when she stabbed her mother enough times to convert her into a virtually unidentifiable mass of pulp. She gets with the shrink and suddenly, she's talking to invisible people and laughing to herself. Seems easy enough to do. And it looks like she pulled it off.

Arguably, anyone who behaves as she did is nuts. Jails have a few men in them who have done what she did. Only, even if they talked to invisible people and laughed at nothing in the shrink's office, notice they're still doing 20-to-life.

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