St. Louis Post-Dispatch dumps George Will for speaking uncomfortably about campus victimhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some privileges are permissible topics for discussion on campus and in the media.

For example, White Privilege is the obsession of some faculty and students.

George Will pointed out that there is another privilege on campuses — false or contrived claims of victim status. Will did not argue that real victims, be it of actual racism or sexual assault, share some special privilege, but rather, that there are people who contrive or encourage others to falsely create victimhood where none exists.

We see it in theories such as microaggression, where in the absence of proof of actual racism, critical race theorists find racism in routine everyday interactions where the participants do not even realize they are being “racist,” much less have any racist intent.
We also see it in the lowering of the standards of proof and definitions of what constitutes sexual assault.

I think everyone agrees that sexual assault as used in the criminal law deserves condemnation and punishment. But colleges, under pressure from the Justice Department and supposedly feminist groups, have started using definitions of sexual assault that can reach absurd results.'

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