UK: Fathers 4 Justice launches campaign to get JK Rowling to abandon charity

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers 4 Justice has called on JK Rowling to renege on her presidency of single parent charity Gingerbread, claiming that it supports the separation of four million children from their fathers.

With the campaign launched on the eve of Father’s Day, the activist group made a plea to the Harry Potter author on its Facebook page stating: “In the fantasy novels, Harry Potter lost his parents. Now, thanks to organisations like Gingerbread and their president, JK Rowling, nearly four million children in the UK have lost their fathers in real life.”

It comes as two members of the group scale Exeter Cathedral in protest at the family courts, which it says are "evil."

JK Rowling has backed Gingerbread since 2000, a campaigning charity that says it provides advice and support for single parent families, as well as lobbying the government for law reform. She became president in 2007.'

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