One Parent Can Make a Difference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers’ Day has meant many different things to me over the years. I’ve spent the day in the company of my children and I’ve also spent it alone. But whether we’re together or apart, I am no less their father and they no less my children. Â This I can be sure of.

On a shelf in my bedroom I keep on display all of the little gifts and cards my younger daughter has worked so hard to make for me since she was first able. Origami cranes, a clay turtle with its baby piggy-back and a figure fashioned from Scotch tape and Snapple caps are just a few of these. They are precious and irreplaceable, as is she along with her sister and brother.

Our children have never been my soldiers or my spies - or sounding boards for my anger and frustration despite court appearances and divorce proceedings that have dragged on for over fourteen years. Instead I chose to love them unconditionally in the only way I know, which, difficult as it was at times, meant using restraint so they could develop their own views and opinions.

Revamping the court system, educating our lawmakers both in the senate and the assembly regarding the virtues of shared parenting, and writing meaningful legislation are vitally important goals, but there is so much more. We can talk about change, lobby for reform and campaign for children’s rights, but the real revolution comes from within. One parent can make a difference in the life of one child by putting the needs of that child first. It’s that simple. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many.'

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