Focus on campus assault gray areas, not red or blue
Article here. Excerpt:
'No, conservative commentator George Will should not be fired because, when writing about campus sexual assault, he declared that colleges are learning when they “make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate.”
He’s an opinion writer, which means he has the right to express an opinion, even one that’s offensive to women, especially to some feminists now lobbying to get his column dropped.
But Will’s questioning of statistics and how best to deal with campus sexual assault are not outrageous. It’s easy to cast it that way because, just like Benghazi and Bowe Bergdahl, the matter of sexual relations between our college-age children breaks down along ideological lines. In this case, a blast of tweets from the left quickly stirs an off-with-his-head frenzy.
Ever since the White House released a report aimed at exposing the problem of sexual assault on campuses, this topic has become yet another excuse for partisan braying.
As lawyer and social critic Wendy Kaminer wrote recently for WBUR’s Cognoscenti website, “The right has its own politically correct mandate to oppose any Obama administration civil rights initiative. The left labors under a pop feminist mandate to reflexively believe self-identified victims of sexual assault.”
While I don’t think the left’s “mandate” is quite as superficial and knee-jerk as Kaminer describes, the larger point of where this all leads is worth considering: If everyone looks at the problem through a political prism, how can anyone objectively weigh the pros and cons of solutions? That’s what bogs down Washington.'
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