Domestic Violence: Men Are Victims Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence is something that is mostly commonly found among women. Stories of physical, mental, and emotional abuse can be seen on many sites across the internet and sometimes in the news. However, this is not an occurrence that only affects women. Men are victims of domestic violence too. Male domestic violence is not often heard of, but that should not suggest that it does not occur. In fact, men have it just as rough, if not worse, than women do. A wide range of skepticism is met when reports are received from men stating that they are being abused. It is a broad misconception that men cannot be abused because they can ‘handle themselves.’ Another misconception is that women are frail beings thus not being able to hurt the male at all.

According to one statistic, men make up about 40 percent of all domestic violence cases. In one of many studies, statistics shows that 64 percent of domestic violence calls made by men to hotlines were turned away with statements saying that the hotline only assisted women. Some of the hotlines that were contacted for this reason often referred men to male domestic violence hotlines. Most reports filed by men for domestic violence are often met with disbelief, ridicule, and sometimes laughter. Speaking with law enforcement about the incident does not make matters any easier for the victim because of these issues.

Another reason of domestic violence cases, in which men are victims, go unreported is that some women would more than likely make it seem as they are the victims. Physically, men are known to be typically stronger than most women. However, many men today were brought up with the teachings that they should never hit females. This is yet another reason many male domestic violence victims have such a hard time coming forward. If a woman tells police that she was hit by a man, even if the story is false, an arrest is instantly made. This means that the system is more against men than it is women. It also suggests that women receives more assistance and support for domestic violence than men.'

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