Bangor (Maine) murder case shows men can be victims of domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

There may be no way for us to know exactly what was going on in the lives of Richard and Roxanne Jeskey during the days that led up to his brutal murder inside the couple’s Ohio Street apartment three years ago.
Roxanne Jeskey recently was found guilty of her husband’s murder, with a judge dismissing the notion she was legally “insane” at the time. She awaits sentencing.

Shortly after the judge deemed her guilty, I received an email questioning where the domestic violence crowd was before, during and after the trial.

The suggestion being that because this was a case of a woman killing a male partner, the ‘DV’ professionals in the state were not terribly interested.

There was no indication of prior abuse to Roxanne Jeskey by her husband. The judge rejected any suggestion of self-defense as a motive for the murder.

Statistically it will be logged as a domestic violence homicide.

So where were they?

It turns out they were paying attention. They were watching and having discussions, but there were a number of unknown variables, including Roxanne Jeskey’s mental capacity, according to Julia Colpitts, executive director of the Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence.

Prior to the homicide, it would appear there was no contact regarding the couple with any domestic violence resource center and there was no evidence leading up to the trial about a pattern of domestic violence in the household.'

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