What Happens When You Challenge ‘Rape Culture’ Orthodoxy

Article here. Excerpt:

'My recent article "Crying Rape: Is there really a rape epidemic? Probably not" generated a vicious reaction from left-leaning media and activists. In addition to being remarkably broad and at times dishonest, the tactics indicated that significant segments of the Left are not content to shout back at conservatives. They want to shout us down, to limit the honest discussion allowed regarding sexual violence.

As I stated in the article, I believe rape is a heinous, hideous crime and that a date-rape perpetrator “deserves the worst the law and life can throw at him.”

Now with that in mind, consider how David Brock’s Media Matters spun the story.

“National Review Online Claims Women Are Just ‘Being Taught To Believe They Were Raped’“

The headline writer’s addition of the word “just” indicates that I claimed no rapes occur. But Salon went one better by claiming that I pretend rape “doesn’t exist.”'

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Good article. I do think some women have been brainwashed into beleiving they had been raped. This also is a psychological way of preserving their sexual value. Attributing regrettable sex to rape is a win-win for the woman.

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