Video shows laughter at female-on-male violence

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'When a man attacks a woman in public people defend her but when the tables are turned, people simply laugh.

That’s the disturbing finding of a public experiment conducted in a London park filmed for an advertisement about domestic violence against men.

The video, created by DareLondon for the Mankind Initiative, shows how shocked and angry onlookers quickly intervene when the male actor fakes a violent assault on his ‘girlfriend’ – also an actor.

But when they change roles the public’s reaction – caught on three hidden cameras – is entirely different.

Onlookers can be seen laughing as the woman physically abuses and belittles her partner in full view of dozens of people.
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures from December show 33.3 percent of people abused by their current partner are men.

Greg Andresen, senior researcher with male domestic abuse support group One-In-Three, said the video highlights two assumptions male abuse victims face: that they are probably at fault and that they should "man up" and take it.'

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