U.S. Will Spend $24.5M to Circumcise Men in Swaziland

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNSNews.com) – The United States Agency for International Development is planning to spend $24.5 million to circumcise an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 male infants and males aged 10 to 49 in the kingdom of Swaziland by 2018.

The Kingdom of Swaziland has the highest rates of HIV in the world, accounting for 31 percent HIV prevalence among adults, the grant said.

“While the data suggest that the rate of new infections is stabilizing, HIV and AIDS remain the most important health burden and impediment to socio-economic development for Swaziland,” the grant said. “As a result, there is an urgent need to scale up the HIV prevention response in Swaziland.”'

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acting as though the African trials, the study which suggested that HIV is reduced by circumcision is truthful? When you take into account the simple fact that men who are circumcised are out of commission from sex for a few weeks, and the simple fact that the study did not account for this, it's easy to see that the 60% reduction in the transmission of HIV results from less sexual activity, not from actually being circumcised. If only others spoke logic as fluently. . .

By the way, any effort to try to curb HIV involving hacking off parts of female genitals would be met with outrage, and rightly so. The only thing different here is the gender of the victim. I wish the average person could see how evil this is. But then again, not many reach postconventional morality.

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