NPO: Make Shared Parenting Happen NOW in Massachusetts

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is a great shared parenting bill that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says he “enthusiastically supports.” But he has not submitted it to the Legislature as his bill. It was developed by the Governor’s Working Group, which included our founder and chair Ned Holstein, MD, MS.

NOW is the time for the Governor to send the legislation to the Legislature that HIS Working Group produced as HIS bill. This is the only way Governor Patrick’s legislation will become law this year in Massachusetts.

Everyone can call the Governor’s office. Call Governor Deval Patrick's office - Rosemary Powers, Deputy Chief of Staff for Government Affairs; 617.725.4090. Ask her to have the Governor sponsor the child custody bill prepared by HIS Working Group and send it to the Legislature as HIS bill. Report your results to me.

According to Holstein, “Governor Patrick, who initiated the development of the proposed new custody statute, has publicly stated, “I enthusiastically support it.” However, the legislation requires the Governor to do more. He must actively push his bill for this vision to become reality.”'

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