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... with this vid is that at one point, the presenter says there's no harm in getting circ'd, but no gain from it either. That's where he's wrong; there is great harm in circumcising boys and also no gain from it. But it wouldn't matter if there some kind of gain from it; it would still be wrong to do it to an infant, someone at a time of life where giving informed consent is impossible.
Permalink Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2014-05-22 04:00
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My only problem...
... with this vid is that at one point, the presenter says there's no harm in getting circ'd, but no gain from it either. That's where he's wrong; there is great harm in circumcising boys and also no gain from it. But it wouldn't matter if there some kind of gain from it; it would still be wrong to do it to an infant, someone at a time of life where giving informed consent is impossible.