Editorial: Women’s history museum or monument to feminist fashion?
Article here. Excerpt:
'A proposal to put a National Women’s History Museum on the National Mall is gaining steam on Capitol Hill. It’s a scheme that advances because few congressmen have the courage to say no lest they be called sexist, misogynist or maybe even treasonous. Who else would be against an institution to recognize the contributions of women to American history?
Mrs. Bachmann, in a speech to the House, cited the left-wing bias in an online exhibit on the museum’s website, in favor of liberal women and feminists, including “a glowing review” of Margaret Sanger, the enthusiastically racist and eugenicist [link added] founder of Planned Parenthood. “They leave out the pro-life views of the early suffragettes.” We don’t want to think how such a museum would depict modern conservative women, if indeed they depict them at all.
Mrs. Bachmann observed that there are already 20 women’s museums in the United States, including one affiliated with the Smithsonian Museum, and another next to the U.S. Capitol. “So why would we be building another?” she asks.
Good question. Over the past 15 years, a foundation set up to raise money to build the museum, estimated to cost $400 million, has failed to raise much money beyond paying for more letters to ask for more money.
If the feminists want to build a monument to themselves, they’re entitled. But they must do it with their own money.'
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