Sex: The New War On Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'It cannot have escaped anyone's notice that on May Day (May 1, 2014), and within hours of one another, the nation and the media have been bombarded with more than a half dozen exquisitely choreographed and coordinated reports demanding action based on claims of skyrocketing sexual assaults occurring on campus and on the battlefield.

But are these claims plausible? I argue not.

Singly, or in combination, all of these claims suffer from one or more of the following five fatal flaws.

1. Sexual allegations made by females are not taken as allegations but rather as "settled fact." These claims do not even consider the possibility that women might lie about any manner of things sexual and there is no statistical correction for false sexual allegations.

2. Women commit sexual assaults on men but female sexual perpetrators only rarely are prosecuted and male reports of abuse by female sexual predators only rarely are believed.

3. In order to "cook" the rapidly rising numbers needed for political effect, the Obama Administration has demanded that all investigations lower the standard of proof required for conviction or expulsion from "clear and convincing" evidence to a "preponderance" of evidence, which basically is a coin toss.'

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