Former pro football player and sports commentator cleared of DV charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'Keyshawn [Johnson] just issued a statement saying ... "I am pleased that law enforcement acted quickly and that this matter has been fairly resolved."

"The quick decision results from the fact that I should not have been arrested because no crime was committed. I did not and would not touch, grab or strike a woman -- any woman."

"Though Jennifer and I are both pleased that this matter is over, we very much resent the fact that I was ever arrested in the first place. I apologize to my friends, family, fans and colleagues for this matter."
Law enforcement sources tell us ... the L.A. County District Attorney has rejected the case ... after cops determined the arrest was an overreaction by someone who was speaking on the phone with Keyshawn's baby mama.

TMZ broke the story ... Keyshawn was arrested last month for allegedly wrestling a cell phone out of the woman's hand ... slightly injuring her hand in the process. We're told an argument had erupted when Keyshawn saw his GF reading texts from someone as they were speaking.

We're told it was all triggered by the person on the phone who heard the argument between Keyshawn and his baby mama that ended with him throwing the phone to the ground and breaking it. The person who was on the phone heard the argument, became alarmed and called 911.

As for his baby mama's injury -- authorities now say she sustained a very small scratch on her finger while trying to hold on to the phone and it amounted to nothing.

Law enforcement sources say when L.A. County Sheriff's deputies arrived ... both Keyshawn and his baby mama were surprised and no one wanted to pursue charges. Nonetheless Keyshawn was arrested.'

Wikipedia on Keyshawn Johnson here.

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... but only if you're male. What, I suppose, do police do if the couple is two men or two women? Arrest both of them in the first case and no one in the second?

I don't condone his act of grabbing the phone from his girlfriend's hand. He's old enough to know better. And if she had done the same, I'd also be saying the same thing. Couples sometimes argue, and the only right thing to do for both people is to refrain from any physical actions taken in an attempt to hurt the other person or take something from them (exception: a weapon being brandished against them, and even then I'd suggest be sure you know what you're doing!) without their having offered it. That's "Arguing 101" as far as I am concerned. So for that, he ought to be told by someone with moral authority with him (a friend he looks up to, a former coach he feels is a role model to him, etc.) that that was a no-no. But does it rise to the level of DV? Ask yourself if the roles were reversed, and his gf had done that to him. Would most people say it was an instance of DV, even people w/out feminist blinders on? I conjecture they'd say no, that she had overreacted and didn't play fair in the argument, and it hardly arises to an arrestable offense. And as in this actual case, she could use a good talking-to. So the same standard ought to apply here -- but it doesn't now, does it?

That the argument did not escalate to an actual case of DV on the part of one of them actually says a lot about their ability to handle conflict. They both stopped arguing, and left well enough alone -- until the cops came and under their feminist legislation-inspired mandatory arrest departmental or legal requirements, cuffed him and off he went to the tank. And had the DA decided to "make an example" of him, he'd still be in jail. Guaranteed though that the DA will come under fire from feminist organizations (which the news like to style as "women's groups") who remain curiously silent when a female in a couple murders her bf because he didn't bring her back a present from the mall. You won't hear NOW talk about that.

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