Pregnant Chicago Woman Allegedly Kills Boyfriend Over Failure to Buy Gift

Story here. Excerpt:

'A trip to the mall ended in a deadly dispute when a pregnant woman fatally stabbed her boyfriend after he bought gifts for everyone, except her, police say, according to the Daily News.

Police say Miata Phalen, 24, fatally stabbed the father of her unborn child, Larry Martin, 28, on April at the apartment they shared. She is seven months pregnant, the report says.

“This is what you get for messing with me,” the woman allegedly said while standing over her lover’s bleeding body, the Daily News reports.

The incident began after the woman spiraled into a rage when Martin reportedly bought gifts for his 8-year-old son Lavelle and Martin’s 25-year-old cousin, the report says. She began chastising Martin, calling him “selfish,” Glen Runk, an assistant State's Attorney, told the Chicago Tribune.
She reportedly greeted him at the door with a knife when he finally made it home and allegedly stabbed him in front of his son, the News says.

“His last words was to me,” Lavelle told the Sun-Times. “He said, ‘I’m gonna die, but I love you.’”'

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... stay with abusive partners?

If you need more proof, just talk to any man who has been assaulted by a gf/wife and just stayed with her until it either became unbearable, or she left him, or she killed him. Of course, you may not know who such men are because they typically don't talk about it like female DV victims, especially the dead ones.

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