White House Report On Sexual Assault Gets Major Facts Wrong, Threatens Freedom

Story here. Excerpt:

'A White House task force’s report made some startling errors about campus sexual assault rates, and proposed recommendations that endanger students’ constitutional rights, according to civil libertarians.

The report, which was authored by the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault, leads with the bizarre and wholly false claim that 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted while at college. The statistic, originally reported in a Centers for Disease Control report several years ago, is at odds with most other data relating to violent crimes, and has been repeatedly debunked by criminologists.
Of course, the task force seems keen to eliminate the meager protections for falsely accused students altogether. One of its more dangerous proposals would empower universities to choose a single administrator to investigate the case, adjudicate it and choose a suitable punishment. There would no trial and no recognition of due process rights at all. The report heaps mountains of praise on institutions that already use such a model.
“By lowering the bar for finding guilt, expanding the definition of harassment beyond recognition, eliminating precious due process protections, and entrusting unqualified campus employees to safeguard the vitally important interests of all involved, we are creating a system that is impossible for colleges to fairly administer, and one that will be even less fair, reliable, and accurate than before,” wrote Lukianoff.

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