Roseanne Barr: "Neuter boys at birth"

Report here. Excerpt:

'Ah yes. The eternal question. Subsequent readings of today’s "Deep Thoughts with Roseanne” haven’t really brought us any closer to an answer:

"Males must cease sex"

"Neuter boys at birth"

"Store sperm til employed"'

So … does any of that make sense? To anybody?

Yeah, we didn’t think so.'

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Wikipedia on this whack-job here.

It's one thing to be nuts. False ideations, hallucinations, etc. Can't help that if you're, as it's said, "really crazy". Depression's another mental illness/state that can drive people to do/say poorly-advised things. Then there's personality disorders.

That's Roseanne.

A PD is more like a really bad coping strategy for life a person has woven into their character either by their own design or as a response to external events. It can be a symptom, or just its own problem, or both.

I'd be more sympathetic with even a repulsive misandrist like her if she were obviously mentally ill in the "really crazy" sense, but I don't think she is. I think she's a classic PD. And thus, I have zero sympathy for her.

If she spoke/wrote this way about any other class of person, she'd be immediately headlined for it and start losing jobs, friends, etc. But what are the repercussions for her at the moment? Guessing none. So wherever you see RB advertised as being on display (TV series, movie, guest appearance, etc.), I encourage you to contact whoever's hosting her or hired her and tell them why you think she represents bad discretion on their part, and you won't be watching/buying.

Nuts is one thing. Being a repulsive public encourager of infant mutilation whether a sincere belief or not is another. And I have no doubt she's capable of knowing the implications of her behavior; she just chooses not to care.

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