The next feminist outrage: Dry-cleaning bills

Article here. Excerpt:

'"First there was abortion-on-demand, then there was the supposed wage gap, then birth control without a co-pay, then the word “bossy” and now? Dry-cleaning bills.

Expect the cost of dry cleaning to be the next feminist outrage, President Obama said so in his Equal Pay Day remarks Tuesday.

“We’ll talk about dry cleaners next, right,” Obama said. “Because I know that – I don’t know why it costs more for Michelle’s blouse than my shirt.”

Expect equal dry-cleaning costs to be the next “right” that women deserve. Forget that it's more difficult to dry clean women's blouses - they usually use more delicate fabric and patterns - women deserve equal pricing!"
Because paying more for dry cleaning is oppression.'

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Ludicrous. No wonder our allies, rivals, and enemies all don't take Obama seriously anymore, if they ever did. He's the president of the United States and he's yammering on about the cost of dry cleaning.

Can you imagine Dwight Eisenhower remarking about how it was so unfair that Mamie's shirts cost more to dry clean than, say, his old Army uniform? Or even Bill Clinton doing the same? Hell, I cannot imagine a single president, not even VP Dan Quayle, who was a walking gaffe machine in the same league as VP Joe Biden is, wasting his own or anyone else's time blathering about daily chore trivialities like the comparative cost of dry cleaning this or that kind of shirt.

It's embarrassing.

Scene: Canada

Bar patron: "Hey you, American over there, is that your president up there on the TV talking about how unfair his wife's dry cleaning bill is compared to his and how it's a sure sign there's rampant gender discrimination?" *Laughter fills bar*.

Me: "Yeah, he's ours. For another two long years, 7 months and 24 days, yeah, he's ours." *Shake my head, put it down on table*

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