School bus bully gets a taste of her own medicine

Video here. Excerpt:

'A cell phone video shows a bullied boy taking a whooping from a girl on a school bus before he unexpectedly fights back — and then just as surprisingly performs an act of compassion.
The boy tries to cover his face, but the pummeling continues — until he snaps.
It was unclear where and when the incident happened.

“Uh oh,” says one of the passengers as the boy scrambles to his feet to fight back and puts an end to the bullying immediately.

After turning the tables on his shaken attacker he asks her, “You O.K.?”'

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What's remarkable is he didn't fight back right away, probably because he's been programmed to never hit a girl even if she's whooping his butt, kicking him in the face as she was, etc. Notice the other boy's reaction when the victim started fighting back; I'll assume when he referred to the girl as his sister that she was in fact his actual sister in the immediate family sense. If so, why, I wonder, wasn't he trying to stop her from picking on the victim? In any case, he also had to fend off the girl's brother, too.

Sounds like the bus driver called the police and so I wonder how things went when they appeared and started asking questions. Alas, the vid doesn't show us.

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