It's an election year, so here comes the 'War on Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

It's an election year and guess what that means? Apparently, it is time for the White House, Democrats and the media to pretend there is a thing called a "War on Women."

You may remember this as the tired trope that says Republicans have a problem with women, want to control your bodies and make you have babies against your will, they want you barefoot, pregnant and stupid. Alas, this isn't the only front of this fabricated fight. This week's fabricated outrage liberals are valiantly working to overcome today? Gender income-inequality.

That's right, it's a fun story involving female reproductive organs, unfairness AND evil business owners!

Can anyone explain that 77 percent number?

Facts aren't needed here, let's just pretend this is actually a thing that should be taken seriously for a second. Are we pretending that the evil greedy monstrous corporations, that liberals are also busy whining about buying elections, would be willing to pass up a massive labor pool that would cut their cost by 23 percent? If they could hire all women at a significant savings for the same work from people with the same education and experience.

Feminists tried in 2012 and guess what they found? It is completely fake.
The President is offering up a few token executive orders, much like his minimum wage order that contractors who serve the government will pay workers more. These orders won't do much, mostly because they aren't needed, but they will generate headlines which is the real goal.
Electoral politics and lack of respect for the cognitive thinking skills of American women.
YOU are the one's this stuff works on. Polling indicates this completely untrue narrative that has been created out of thin airs and debunked many times WORKS. Democrats are convinced that if they tell you that you are getting screwed over at work you will vote for them in large numbers.

If this is you, what does that say about you? Not much.

It says that you are a victim that needs to be saved by the white knight of big government.

What does it say about what they think of you? Even less.'

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