CBS Destroys White House Rhetoric on Gender Pay Gap; NBC and ABC Ignore

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, White House correspondent Major Garrett completely dismantled President Obama's left-wing talking points on the supposed gender pay gap of women making 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, reporting: "The White House is getting...roughed up by hits own pay equity rhetoric." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]

Garrett used the administration's hypocrisy on the issue to fact check the false claims: "An analysis of White House salaries, which nobody here disputes, shows that the median income of female staffers is 88% of that of male staffers....Now, the White House said it's gender pay gap is tied to job experience, education, and hours worked, among other factors. This matters because those explanations, according to the Labor Department, explain a good deal of the gender pay gap nationally."
Landing the final blow to the liberal pet issue, Garrett observed: "When the factors that the White House used to defend its gender pay gap are used nationally, the Labor Department says the difference in median wages between men and women shrinks to about 5 cents to 7 cents on the dollar."

Garrett wrapped up his report by noting that the President would be signing two executive orders on Tuesday regarding equal pay among federal contract workers, "a small subset of the labor market." He dismissed the move as having little impact: "This is largely an information tool, economists doubt it will dramatically change pay for federal contract workers."'

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