Feminism in grade school

Article here. Excerpt:

'You gotta get ‘em while they’re young.

A rumbling is beginning among feminists to try to get their ideology put to use in the classroom. In an article on Pandagon, the liberal blog that gave rise to Ezra Klein, a feminist mom calling herself “Glosswitch” brought up the issue:

“When I think of the blind faith in gender that surrounds [her son], I’m not feeling so comfortable. It’s not just that the stereotypes are limiting on an individual basis. They are everywhere and they embed, ever so gradually, the sense that is natural for women and girls to be decorative, whereas men and boys are the active ones. This isn’t what I want my son to learn at school, a place that should be opening his mind, not closing it.”

Her outrage began because her son learned a song called “Jesus is my superhero,” which featured verses about how Jesus was better than Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc. Glosswitch became upset when the only woman mentioned in the song was Barbie.
I can imagine it now: Little girls taught that when they grow up they'll be paid 77 cents to the dollar their male counterparts earn, taught that abortion can solve all their problems, taught that free birth control is a right and that anyone who says otherwise is a misogynist and waging a “war on women.”

Teach them to be victims before they ever have a chance to see otherwise. Oh, and then watch Democrats continue to promise that government will fix everything if only they’re put in charge.'

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See Jane kick Dick in the dick.

See Dick run.

See Jane get Dick arrested on domestic violence charges.

Hear Jane whine about how oppressed she is.


See Dick and Jane having sex.

See Jane throw Dick in jail because he's behind on child support.

Hear Jane whine about how oppressed she is.

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