S. Africa: Public comments regarding recent circumcision deaths being accepted

Link here. Excerpt:


In terms of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Limpopo Legislature, the Limpopo Initiation Schools Bill, 2014 is hereby advertised for public comments.

Any person or organization wishing to comment on the said document may do so in writing, on or before 10/04/2014, with:

The Head of Department
Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional

Email: mngomezulup-at-coghsta.limpopo.gov.za

Wikipedia on Limpopo here.

Also see: Initiates death toll rises to 33 as six more die in Limpopo

'She says many surgeons were unskilled to conduct the circumcisions. “The traditional surgeons that performed that duty are the people that never attended our training that was staged on April, 27 around KwaMhlanga. So, we were prepared to train everybody and to teach them to take that process, but some of them attended and others couldn't attend.”'

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A press article briefly describing the main points of the Bill can be viewed here.

We also have several threads over at F-R.net tagged botched, death and South Africa, which might provide useful information for researching a comment.

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