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... on the ball when I was her age! I make her to be *maybe* 22 years old, if even that. Yet somehow she seems to have figured $hit out at an amazingly fast rate. Well, really, look at how many people have figured out some pretty incredible stuff before age 25. Einstein, Newton, etc. But I suppose I am more talking about "life stuff". (Example: Her video entitled The Cult of Happy.) At her age, I couldn't find my a$$ with both hands and a map! So good on her, as the folks "down under" might say.
Indeed, why the hell isn't NOW, Hillary Clinton, college feminists, the US government, and anyone else with a conscious NOT criticizing vehemently these sorts of things discussed in the video whose link is above?
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it deeply ironic that the first time most if not everyone reading this now will have been exposed to the facts discussed in the video on a men's rights web site?
Irony. All over the friggin' place these days. Too bad so much of it is not anything to laugh at.
Permalink Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2014-04-03 04:25
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Damn, didn't have this much...
... on the ball when I was her age! I make her to be *maybe* 22 years old, if even that. Yet somehow she seems to have figured $hit out at an amazingly fast rate. Well, really, look at how many people have figured out some pretty incredible stuff before age 25. Einstein, Newton, etc. But I suppose I am more talking about "life stuff". (Example: Her video entitled The Cult of Happy.) At her age, I couldn't find my a$$ with both hands and a map! So good on her, as the folks "down under" might say.
Her YT channel videos:
Also a must-see, not from same channel
'Muslim Group Says Existence of Women is "Anti-Islamic"':
Indeed, why the hell isn't NOW, Hillary Clinton, college feminists, the US government, and anyone else with a conscious NOT criticizing vehemently these sorts of things discussed in the video whose link is above?
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it deeply ironic that the first time most if not everyone reading this now will have been exposed to the facts discussed in the video on a men's rights web site?
Irony. All over the friggin' place these days. Too bad so much of it is not anything to laugh at.