Report: U. Penn Women's Lacrosse Team Wrecked Bar, Exposed Female Genitals to 'Adulation' of Party

Story here. Excerpt:

'According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, Casey Neff, the manager of Fado Irish Pub, reportedly "sent an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian, women’s lacrosse coach Karin Brower Corbett and Penn’s Athletic Department, among others, claiming that a group of 50 people under the lacrosse team’s reservation did considerable damage to his business.

In the email, the bar owner complained that the team members intentionally broke facilities such as a light fixture which caused a “broken glass hazard.” The students also allegedly stole a bottle of liquor from the bar and attempted to steal a six-pack of beer. Neff claimed that the lacrosse players also smoked marijuana in the bathroom and exposed a young woman’s genitals to the “adulation of the rest of the party.” They also allegedly tipped less than 4 percent on the $1,300 tab.
Neff reportedly does not plan to file a police report and, according to him, groups affiliated with U. Penn's Wharton School have been even worse and "have already been banned from making reservations at Fado, due to incidents such as students using cocaine in the bathrooms, having sex in the janitor’s closet and urinating on the bar."'

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Simply to show that college girls are just as capable of behaving badly as college boys. That simple. The stereotype that "only boys act like that" is simply nymphotropic bull$hit.

As for the Wharton School people: boys and girls together with way too much money to spend -- hence the coke-snorting in the bathrooms and thinking doing the horizontal mamba in the vertical position is not a big deal, as making bail on an arrest for that is easy when you have an "AmEx Black" that has your name on it but is in fact backed by your rich daddy's/mommy's credit. As for peeing on the bar itself: some things defy explanation. In my "younger days", I've been good and loaded before, but I have never thought peeing on a bar-top was a good idea, no matter how blottoed I was. That's just plain nuts.

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