Louisiana state senate approves bill granting immediate divorce with punitive damages to accused without charge

Article here. Excerpt:

'Senate Bill 291 would allow victims of domestic violence to be awarded exemplary, also called punitive, damages. Under current Louisiana law, punitive damages -- meant to punish and deter the offender -- are awarded only in drunk driving cases that result in an injury and in statutory rape cases.

The damages recipient would have to prove the actions of the perpetrator represented "a wanton and reckless disregard for the rights and safety of a family or household member" and also resulted in "serious" physical injury and/or "severe" mental injury.

Senate Bill 292 would allow a court to grant an immediate divorce if one spouse has physically or sexually abused the spouse seeking the divorce or a spouse's child, or if the spouse seeking the divorce is granted a protective order against the other spouse due to abuse.
The bill would also allow victims of domestic violence to be awarded spousal support greater than one-third the amount of the perpetrator's net worth. Neither bill would require the abuser to have been previously formally charged with domestic violence to grant the awards or divorces.

The debate: There was no debate on either bill.

The vote: Both bills were passed 39-0.

Next step: Head to House committee.'

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Not anymore. No charge, no review of cases, just "He hit me" and that's that.

Roll the dice, take your chances.

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Wow... some guys who still don't get that its ultra-hazardous to marry ... hopefully with laws like this they will see that it's crazy to risk your life and assets in a marriage these days...

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gives me some idea where the 25% of polled amerikans, who don't know that the earth circles the sun, actually live. evidently they reside in a world entirely populated by their peers, legislators.

personally I believe it has something to do w/ the possession of a law degree.

here's your law degree. take a number and go stand in the stupid line over there until we find a way you can help destroy the country.

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