"Judge Joe Brown" arrested for contempt after outburst in court custody trial

Story here. Doesn't surprise me, or, the reason, anyway. But I am surprised that a member of the bench would behave as reported (even if he held no court appointment or elected judgeship at this particular time), since he must have known full well the only response a judge can render and keep authority in the courtroom is to find the disorderly party in contempt. But he is known for his personal mission of "promoting manhood and protecting womanhood" (See 4th paragraph of the article). This is a chivalrous idea that he apparently has taken a pledge (to whom??) to uphold, and like other modern-day (and not-so-modern-day) men who have been conned into this kind of idea, he has just paid for it. A man his age really ought to know better by now. Excerpt:

'The star of the television show “Judge Joe Brown” has been arrested and charged with five counts of contempt of court in Tennessee, court officials in Memphis said Monday.

Shelby County Juvenile Court officials said the 66-year-old Brown was sentenced to five days in jail after causing an outburst Monday in a child support hearing. Brown is running in the Democratic primary for Shelby County district attorney general.
The former TV judge was representing a woman who had been brought in on a warrant in a child support case, Michael said. Brown, he said, was yelling and repeatedly challenging Horne’s authority and even addressing his comments to a crowd of people inside the courtroom.'

Wikipedia on Judge Brown here. Note he has already been released -- less than a day behind bars.

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