College feminist professor shows again that "free speech" is only for those who agree with feminists

Story here. Excerpt:

'A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it, then allegedly engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protestor who had followed the educator to retrieve it.

Much of the scuffle was recorded on a smartphone by the 16-year-old, Thrin Short. The yet-to-be-released video is now in the custody of Santa Barbara law enforcement officials, who are investigating the March 4 incident.

The professor at the heart of the controversy is Mireille Miller-Young, an associate professor whose area of emphasis is black cultural studies, pornography and sex work, according to her faculty webpage. She could not be reached for comment Tuesday by The College Fix.

The confrontation took place at the coastal, public university’s “free speech” area, a heavily traversed part of the quad.
When asked why the young prolife protestors didn’t just write the sign off when the professor walked off with it, Garza said they had every right to get back their property, and that it was the professor who acted inappropriately. She added it’s shocking a women’s studies professor would act in such a way to a young girl.'

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"it’s shocking a women’s studies professor would act in such a way to a young girl"

Shocking vs. surprising vs. expected? More like somewhere between surprising and expected. Wouldn't be the first time a "campus feminist" has used such tactics to silence anyone who has a dissenting opinion on any topic she holds near and dear (this time it happened to be abortion, but it could have been anything).

One can only imagine the fracas had the 16-YO girl been a 16-YO boy. Can just imagine what would have gone down, and I wonder what the police would have done? Hmmm....

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Well her actions were consistant with pro-abortion mentality. Overpower those who are younger and weaker than yourself.

I'd really like to see the video, but it's "in the hands of the police". I wonder if it will "accidentally" get errased.

edit: The one thing I do take issue with are the images used on the anti-abortion posters. Anything posted in public should be "rated G", as the public should not be subjected to offensive material wether it be "the truth" or not. But the article does not indicate that the professor had any concern about the images, she just wanted to shut down the anti-abortion protest and feels that she is above the law and that free speech only applies to her.

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in case anyone wants to see the video

This isn't about abortion, this is about a feminist who doesn't think she has to abide by any rules. It doesn't matter what side you are on, the rules need to be the same for everyone. If you don't agree with a protest either ignore, challenge them intellectually, or protest them in a lawful manner....but don't steal their stuff.

It is obvious to me that the professor felt she was in authority or above the law in the situation. She looks so smug.

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