UK: Only 1.7% of British men under 25 are married

Story here. Excerpt:

'Young married men have almost disappeared in England and Wales, figures revealed yesterday.

There are now fewer than 58,000 married men under 25, official figures show.

The proportion of men who marry young has collapsed to 1.7 per cent, marking a profound change in family life since the 1950s.

About 135,000 young women marry annually, figures from the 2011 census, just released by the Office for National Statistics, reveal.

Most of them have found men who have reached their late twenties or older.

In the 1950s, three-quarters of women and half of all men were married by their mid-twenties.

These days one in three men in their twenties is still with their parents and the average age at which a young person leaves their childhood home is 26.
Average ages at which people marry are now at just under 30 for women and over 30 for men.

Millions of women have decided to delay marriage to pursue higher education and careers. Many then find themselves facing the need to pay a mortgage and the difficulty of forming a stable relationship with a man on which to build a family.
For men, the pressure to marry a girlfriend, and the threat of a shotgun marriage if she became pregnant, evaporated decades ago. Few feel any need to marry, even if children come along.

The census figures show that 57,191 men under the age of 25 were married in the spring of 2011 when the census was taken, and 134,605 women.'

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Most anyone "getting legal" under 25 is doing so too young. With rare exception, you don't have your head on straight re your love life until you're at least 25, but the way things go for most people these days, I'd suggest they wait until they're 40. Maybe 50. Or maybe 100, if what they say about life expectancy is true.

Spend the last 8 years of your life married: 100-108. You can have your 100th birthday AND get married for the first time (and presumably, last) all on the same day! Hey, how cool is that?!


Of course unless by then we really have found a way to transfer a person's brain into an android body (that is an exact match for a real human one in terms of everything humans can do/feel/etc. -- doubt it, but...), 108 will not actually be a required punch-out age. Who knows when that'll be if you're a "brain in a 'bot"?

I doubt I'll make it to 2050 and at this point in human history, I really can't say I want to. I mean, holy crow, think how weird the world is today as compared to what it was like in 1900. Imagine 2050... or 2100: people will have invisibility cloaks and flying skateboards and who knows what else. I'll be too old to deal with that world...

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