SAVE E-lert: Hidden Victims: Men Who Are Forced to Penetrate

Rape and sexual assault are hot topics in the media. While campus hysteria and false facts abound, we'd like to take this opportunity to educate.

Most advocacy focuses on female victims, women who have been raped by men. Occasionally we see male victims mentioned, men raped by other men.

Today we'd like you to consider men who have been "forced to penetrate," men who have been raped by women.

As you can see, when you add these cases, men and women are victims of rape in very similar numbers:

  • Female victim data shown here.
  • Male victim data shown here.

Visit Male Survivor to learn more about male victimization. Then you too can help us counter misinformation and gender biased articles.

On behalf of every male victim, thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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