Tammy Bruce: War on boys an attempt to create fearful populace

Story here. Excerpt:

We asked her, "So many times we hear about 'the war on boys'--of a boy fashioning his hand or breakfast pastry into the shape of gun, then being suspended. What are we to think of this?"

Bruce responded:
Look, there is a culture through the left that wants to emasculate the nation as a whole. It's through the military, of course, you see Obama trying to do that, as well. We see it through what's happening in education. Political correctness itself was meant to end the notion that we could have direct conversations, that we could be ambitious, that we could be our own people.

Men are seen, of course, by the feminist movement and by the left who are led by the same individuals as those with the feminist-movement mentality. And they see the best way to emasculate the nation--certainly to cut it off at its knees--is to start with the children. And the biggest threat there are little boys.

If you can change the mentality of little boys, train them from an early age to not be who they are--and that's, of course, what the left's general attitude is for everyone in this country... Ironically, I think the most difficult people to train in that way are little boys.'

Wikipedia on Tammy Bruce here. Note she used to be the head of LA's NOW chapter and after clashing with their national leadership, went her own way. I've noticed that happens a lot with them.

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