Female candidate for city council office mails out 'women are more honorable and ethical' fliers to voters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A candidate for the Santa Fe City Council has mailed a flier urging voters to support her in a race against two men, because, she says, women make better public servants.

Mary Bonney, an art gallery owner on trendy Canyon Road and a candidate for District 2 in the state capital, cites five reasons to vote for women, including: They are “more responsive to constituents,” “more focused on cooperation” and “have proven to be more honorable and ethical.”
The flier also quotes Margaret Thatcher, who said, “If you want something said ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

When asked if the flier may alienate men in her district, Bonney said, “It certainly wasn’t meant to intend to offend men, for sure.”

But if a man sent out a flier saying men are more responsive to constituents, more focused on cooperation and are more honorable and ethical, wouldn’t that risk the ire of women voters?

“I don’t agree it’s sexist,” Bonney told New Mexico Watchdog. “I don’t agree with it, but I don’t think it would be seen as sexist. I think you’re reading way too much into this, into the gender part of it.”

On the front of the flier, Bonney attacks opponents Rad Acton and Joe Maestas, labeling them as “Bad Boys.”
Update 3/5: Bonney ended up finishing fourth in a field of five candidates.'

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... she failed to pay them:


I don't know what happened re the suit or if the allegations were true. I do know this: Artists seeking to have their work shown in galleries probably don't try to sue the owners, thereby likely blacklisting them from other galleries. ("They sued her, what's to say they won't sue me even if I've done nothing wrong?") Not saying *necessarily* that where there's smoke there's always fire; just saying it is hard to imagine why people would do something like this for a mere few thousand dollars unless they at least really believed they were in the right.

Anyway, really, this particular thing is neither here nor there. What is relevant is that she is so incredibly sexist she can't even see it. She asserts women are better representatives, more responsive, more ethical, etc., when in fact that is utter horse crap. When confronted with the blatantness of what she is saying, she can't even seem to see it. She denies it's sexism, and says the sexes thing is being made too much of; umm, who made anything about "the sexes thing" in the first place?

She also quotes Maggie T.'s famous "Women do, men talk" hore$hit which was delivered as she stood in front of the devices allowing her to be recorded as the sexist bigot she embodied so well -- devices created by men who quite obviously have no trouble *doing*.

But Maggie? Hell, all she ever did was talk. She never frigging shut up. She was like a conservative version of Hillary Clinton only yet more effective at screwing up her country's employment rate even than Hillary would be. Not that I think Hillary wouldn't be a wonderful employment-wrecker; just I think the so-called "Iron Lady" of Britain would not have had any trouble beating Hillary in a woman-vs.-woman competition to see who could drive their country's labor sector into the ground faster.

For those not familiar with this piece of Thatcherite legacy, some reading here.

P.S. Well if you're really interested in what homegirl does for a living, this helps explain some: http://www.thewilliamandjosephgallery.com/ . You'll note at the bottom of said page there is contact info.: an email address and phone number. If you are inclined to drop her an email (I encourage that over calling, for several reasons), feel free to congratulate her on her recent learning of the single most important lesson of electoral politics: Don't alienate half the electorate by telling them that they are in essence inferior to the other half and then come across as being so myopic as to not be able even to see it when confronted with it. What's surprising to me is not that she came in 4 out of 5, but what was so incredibly unappealing about #5 that he came in *after* Mary Bonney? Was he a known Mafia torpedo or something? Was he a convicted murderer? Was he caught selling crack to 7-year-olds? I mean, really?!

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this is really sad when people just don't get it. Just shows how strong feminist cultural conditioning can be and what double standards they hold. I'm glad she didn't get elected, but there are many more female politicians like her.

Also sad that there is not more uproar over her sexist comments.

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