Head to Head: Third-wave feminism requires inequality

Article here. Excerpt:

'The problem today is that instead of fighting for equality, third-wave feminists seem to be fighting for superiority. This group of women cannot accept the fact that females are genetically different than males, that they pursue different careers and lead different lives. They aren't satisfied with women being able to vote, run for public office, go to college, work in their desired field, etc. Instead, feminists want women to get the jobs over men, get paid more than men, be accepted into colleges over men and more. That’s not equality, that’s dominance and a complete abuse of affirmative action. It should not be gender that decides things for a person. It should be personal drive, grades, achievement and capability.
There is no doubt that, at times, men get picked over women because of their sex. But there are also times that women are picked over men. Not every job gets the same pay. A teacher does not make the same as an engineer; an engineer does not make the same as a nurse. Are we supposed to close the pay gap and have everyone paid the same? Sure, if you want socialism.

Life isn’t fair, but having women try to dominate does not make it fair either. People should not be hired based on meeting standards the government has laid out because of gender or race. People should be hired based on the quality of work that they perform.

Equality is a good thing, but when women start demanding to be chosen for a job over a man simply because of her gender, she is no longer being treated with equality; she is being acknowledged solely because of her gender, and that is detrimental to women’s long-fought fight for equal treatment.'

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I like this article.

IMO, feminists are, and always will be, perpetual "victims" and forever blaming patriarchy.

The reason they see women as victims is because they fail to credit biology and they do not want to admit that women are the weaker gender. It is not PC to say women are weaker than men. Perhaps "weaker" is not the best word, but women are "lesser" when it comes to cognitive and physical productivity. But nature had other things is store for us. Men like to have sex with women which gives us some power and women are the incubators for making humans so we are valued. Without this sexual power and reproduction value, women would be disposable, there would be no need for us. Like it or not, this is biology - it is what it is.

As far as I can tell all social restraints and oppressions have been lifted from women and for some time women have been free from social pressure to pursue what they want, but the numbers still do not show women in high power jobs or dangerous positions. This is because biology has not changed. Since feminist don't give any or much credit to biology they fail to recognize this and will have to keep blaming patriarchy and social construct. They think it is men keeping women out of these positions!.

What is ironic, is that many women who identify themselves as being feminist admit that they don't personally want these jobs or roles, but they want *other women* to be able to get them if they want them. When I ask specifically where are these "other women" and how are men stopping them from advancing, they have few answers that make any sense, but they are convinced that until women have equal numbers in high positions it must be due to discrimination. They are convinced that quotas and special incentives are needed to fix things. But they cant seem to point a finger at who they are actually helping. Hillary Clinton looks silly saying women need all this help, when she is being catapulted to the highest position. Of course it isn't her that needs help it's all the "other women" she's fighting for.

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