Don’t make boys ashamed of their masculine side

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two weeks ago I wrote an article about the brilliant new film “The Mask You Live In,” a documentary about the pressures boys face growing up.

After my article was published, a reader wrote in with some thought-provoking points. Here is an excerpt from their email: “How about we allow boys to be boys and not emasculate them? By nature, they are rough and tumble, loud, and sometimes will push boundaries. Unfortunately, they receive labels like behavior disorder, ADD, ADHD and so on because most teachers are women and feel intimidated by their actions.”

The reader makes some interesting observations that bear examination. In creating a society that is more empathetic and gender-neutral, it’s crucial that we still allow children to express traits typically associated with masculinity. There is nothing wrong with characteristics such as boisterousness and a love for exploration, but it’s important that we realize that these aren’t just “male” qualities. And, just as boys require the freedom to express their emotions, girls need the freedom to express their wild side — including allowing them to be loud and rough-and-tumble just as we allow boys to be.'

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